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NJRA Presents Digital Marketing Resources to Build Your Small Business 101

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Tue, Aug 27 at 10 AM-12 PM

Speaker Highlight
Jaime amplifies the impact of investments on public space by guiding place management organizations, local business owners and private developers to transform their perspective about their place.
He has over 20 years of experience bridging the gap between creative strategy and economic development. Originally trained as an architect, he has built my expertise with knowledge of urban economic development, city marketing, and historic preservation, bringing a multifaceted approach that flips the script of how we revitalize downtowns and business districts.
He has experience in both the public and private sectors, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing urban centers.
Based in Montclair, NJ, he is happy to have left his mark on main streets and business improvement districts from Michigan to Florida and from New Jersey to California. His transformative ideas are outlined in his books “Main Street Mavericks” and “The Ten No-BS Rules for Successful Storefront Design.”
He has crafted a unique work methodology that combines:
– Architectural expertise for aesthetically pleasing and functional designs- Economic development strategies that drive sustainable growth- Creative placemaking techniques that foster community engagement- Marketing acumen to elevate local businesses and attract visitors
His distinctive staple is the creation of bespoke solutions that revitalize physical spaces by reigniting the spirit of communities. The approach goes beyond conventional consulting, guiding a transformation that primes main street stakeholders to create ever more vibrant, economically thriving destinations.

Small Business 101: Digital Marketing Resources to Build Your Business
Training Course: August 27, 2024
10:00p.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Virtual, Via Zoom
$50.00 registration fee
Register Today   
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