
Yard Sale @ Mount Holly Moose Lodge #737

Come out to our yard sale. Rent a 10×10 space to sell your personal items ($15, tables are not supplied). We will also be offering some additional fun activities: *Silent

RV Marching Band’s Holiday Market

Come out to do a little holiday shopping in the cafeteria of RVRHS in Mount Holly….vendors, food trucks, 50/50 fundraiser and visitations by the RV Choirs!  Fun for the whole

Mt. Holly Records Opens Friday-Sunday

Stop in the shop to find some great albums, new and gently played.  Nothing sounds better then music from vinyl LP’s by your favorite artist!  We offer competitive prices and

Shop-O-Holly at The Union Firehouse

What a great #smallbusinesssaturday event in downtown Mount Holly!  Save time and effort to begin your holiday shopping all in one location at The Union Firehouse.  All kinds of vendors

Shop Downtown Mount Holly

Shop Small Business Saturday and find great deals for the holiday season! Shopping making you tired?  Then take a break and treat yourself to some beauty treatments, a massage, a